About me

Vladimír „PicDeal“ Švanda

photographer (Prague, Kralupy nad Vltavou, Znojmo)

Firstly, spending some time at competitions, I got in contact with photography by taking sport pictures. To get some very nice pictures, I asked my coach to lend me his camera for my holiday. Finally, this led me to buy my own camera, Canon EOS 550D in set with some lenses.

After having attended a photography course based on basic skills organized by well-known photographer Radovan Janouschek, I explored the world of photography in winter 2014.

Moreover, to improve my basic skills in photography, I started to shoot my first meaningful photos at the beginning of the year 2015. The one of the biggest steps forward I have ever made in photography was my decision to pay attention on photo post-processing. Looking for a useful application, I explored the beauty in the simplicity of the Adobe Photoshop Light Room application which I have been using until now. To improve my post process skills, I completed a course on the Adobe Photoshop Light Room application in first half of 2015 organized by photographer Ondřej Uhlíř.

Consequently, having bought the first professional camera lens Canon EF 135 mm f/2m0 L USM as well as full frame camera Canon EOS 5D Mark III, I managed to take more and more quality pictures.

What is more, I was asked to become a photographer of Czech National Taekwondo Team for the Taekwondo International Championship in Andria (Italy, 2016). I was gifted with the camera lens Canon EF 70-300 mm f/4-5,6 IS USM by Mike Moran there and a bit later I bought Sigma 35 mm f/1,4 DG HSM Art which I adore very much.

Nowadays, I am interested in business portraits, portraits of persons, pets and families, sport and wedding photography as well.


„All the technique in the world doesn’t compensate for the inability to notice”

Elliott Erwitt


„Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography.”

George Eastman